Eid Mubarak in The Pandemic

Eid Mubarak in The Pandemic

Eid mubarak is a prestigious and a long waited event for us muslims after a month of fasting in Ramadhan. But I feet like something's different with Ramadhan and Eid Mubarak nowadays, especially because of the pandemic that's still around until today.

Back in the good ol' days when we used to visit our families, niece, colleagues, and lots' of people basicly. It's to the point where it's going to be weird if we didn't visit them, every Eid Mubarak that's occurred before Covid-19 wouldn't be relevant if there's no "silaturahmi" between family and friends. 

But it all changed when Covid-19 strikes Indonesia last year (March 2020 to be exact) where we were told to stay at home until now, the government and the Covid-19 task force told us to hold our urge to go home or "mudik" as the locals like to call it that is until now a controversial regulation and people still debate about it on social media. But nevertheless the regulation was made to protect us from Covid-19 right?

What i've noticed is that because there's no silaturahmi nor family greetings that have happened sadly makes Eid Mubarak less fun and shift it's stigma to a more formality driven event. We used to feel tingly when we hear the word "Eid Mubarak", yet it all changed since the year 2020. I'm pretty sad to see how fast an event can change it's course and atmosphere as quick as India's number of Covid-19 rising.

I'm not saying that we've lost Eid Mubarak's essence but it's just that there's a lot of difference that differ the feelings that we feel at every Eid Mubarak in a pandemic situation is the same as before. You guys get what I'm saying? Like the essence is still there but the vibes and the nuances are unlike the ones that we get before the pandemic. 

Even though we are sad, it doesn't mean that we can surrender in despair. The government in accordance with the Covid-19 task force's order have worked hard to protect us from it and to heal those who'd been infected by it. We can't really do anything about it other than to hope and pray that the pandemic will go away as soon as possible.


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