
Showing posts from March, 2020

English Task | Everything U Need To Know About The Coronavirus

Everything You Need To Know About The Coronavirus   (also known as Covid-19) The Coronavirus or Covid-19 is a new type of a virus that affect our respiratory system with symptoms close to a more "civilised" and more curable in our general medical treatment that we can get almost everywhere in this country such as common cold, runny nose, etc that sometimes makes non-expert people like us tend to underestimate the disease whilst ignoring it. In this blog with the brochure/infographic that I've made for this particular task, i want to share with you regarding to this brand new and unique type of virus.  Questions regarding to the Infographic/pamflet/brochure that I've made : 1. What is the offical code name of the virus? A. Coronavirus2019 B. Wuhantragedy19 C. Wuhandisease D. Covid-19 E. nCov-19 2. Why do people tend to ignore or underestimate this virus? A. Because humans are way superior B. Because of the symptoms th

English Task | Adolf Hitler's "The Holocaust Massacre"

(ADOLF HITLER THE HOLOCAUST MASSACRE, 2020) ADOLF HITLER                            THE HOLOCAUST MASSACRE The Holocaust was one of the most unforgettable moments in history. The word “Holocaust” came from the Greek word  holos , which means whole, and  kaustos,  which means burned. This word was used to describe a sacrificial offering burned on an altar. However, since 1945, the word has been used to describe the ideological and systematic state-sponsored prosecution and the murder of 6 million European Jews by the Nazi regime from 1933 until 1945. The slaughter and the mass murder were done systematically and professionally by the Nazi regime. Because the Jews were a threat to the Germans racial community and were inferior to the Germans in Adolf Hitler’s point of view generally back then, the Holocaust occurred in the land of Poland with the existence of the concentration camp.  Caused by Hitler’s goal of racial purity and structural expansion throughout the te